Education Charities Make
Learning Possible for Students.
It was a modest beginning; one member (Firoz Khan) of the Khan Family donated 2 acres of land in remembrance of his parents to build religious and academic institutions. Other family members quickly joined in, followed by the community and some friends of the family. The oldest member (Dr. Showkat Khan) of the Khan Family, who previously expressed interest in charitable activities, was soon called in to support and to lead. Although haphazardly done, in a short 6 years (2017-2023) several institutions were built in the land located in the Char area. Student enrollment has already surpassed 100, while the teaching staff reached to six. It was unanimously decided to expand the academic programs to other Char areas and, importantly, to build a vocational educational institute in the Char area.
Education Charities Make
Learning Possible for Students.
Khan Education & Human Services Foundation, Bangladesh, Trade mark KEHSF, Bangladesh, is a Not-for-Profit organization registered in New York State, USA, with the Federal Tax ID # 93-3686282. The KEHSF, Bangladesh has been working in one site of its target population, in Noakhali, Bangladesh since 2017. The focus has been and still is to open educational and skills training opportunities to millions of inhabitants of the floodplains (called Char)[1] of the Greater Noakhali District[2], located to the southeastern part of Bangladesh.
Who We Are
It was a modest beginning; one member[1] of the Khan Family[2] donated 2 acres of land in remembrance of his parents to build religious and academic institutions. Other family members quickly joined in, followed by the community and some friends of the family. The oldest member of the Khan Family, who previously expresses interest in charitable activities[3], was soon called in to support and to lead. Although haphazardly done, in a short 6 years (2017-2023) several institutions were built in the land located in the Char area[4]. Student enrollment has already surpassed 100, while the teaching staff reached to six. It was unanimously decided to expand the academic programs to other Char areas and, importantly, to built a vocational educational institute in the Char area.
Our commitment
Lorem Ipsum refers to a dummy block of text that is often used in publishing and graphic design to fill gaps in the page before the actual words are put into the finished product.

Education Charities Make
Learning Possible for Students.
Khan Education & Human Services Foundation, Bangladesh, Trade mark KEHSF, Bangladesh, is a Not-for-Profit organization registered in New York State, USA, with the Federal Tax ID # 93-3686282. The KEHSF, Bangladesh has been working in one site of its target population, in Noakhali, Bangladesh since 2017. The focus has been and still is to open educational and skills training opportunities to millions of inhabitants of the floodplains (called Char)[1] of the Greater Noakhali District[2], located to the southeastern part of Bangladesh.
Who We Are
It was a modest beginning; one member[1] of the Khan Family[2] donated 2 acres of land in remembrance of his parents to build religious and academic institutions. Other family members quickly joined in, followed by the community and some friends of the family. The oldest member of the Khan Family, who previously expresses interest in charitable activities[3], was soon called in to support and to lead. Although haphazardly done, in a short 6 years (2017-2023) several institutions were built in the land located in the Char area[4]. Student enrollment has already surpassed 100, while the teaching staff reached to six. It was unanimously decided to expand the academic programs to other Char areas and, importantly, to built a vocational educational institute in the Char area.
Our commitment
Lorem Ipsum refers to a dummy block of text that is often used in publishing and graphic design to fill gaps in the page before the actual words are put into the finished product.




Who We Serve
KEHSF serves a special category of Bangladesh people called the Char People (coastal people), who lives isolated in the Char land/areas (coastal areas) and are deprived of the advantages and benefits of living in the mainland of the rest of the country. They are further disadvantaged because the char areas, by nature, are infested with devastating high tidal bore, tornado, flood, cyclone, and the salinity.
Building new schools and/or supporting existing schools to educate children in the Char area, admitting one child of parents’ choice to begin with.
Hizbul-Quran is a 3-4 years residential program starting fully during Ramadan this year (2024). Orphans Support Program is offered only at the kinship placement. We also offer supports to widows.
We currently offer learning disability program to our students. The physical disability program is an urgent need and there are about 5% of children having some form of curable physical disability..
We offered the literacy program time to time. The women’s Empowerment program is crucial for the children to be successful in school, women’s role is crucially important. We need funding for...
A severe flood with high winds and intense rainfall has struck coastal Bangladesh, leaving thousands homeless and in urgent need.
Let’s donate to needy people for better lives
The Founder of the organization, Dr. Khan, even though lived in USA more than 40 years, traces a sentimental attachment to the Char people, few of them are his relatives and few others are acquaintances. These people were placed in the cyclone/tornado-infested char area with only 2.5 acres of land in 1950s and 1960s. They struggled to live in there and even gave life over the years, and now are destitute. They used up land to build houses for their descendants. Help is urgently needed for these people to break the cycle of poverty through education and skills training.
Our Gallery

The above village researches were funded respectively by Ford Foundation, World Bank and Syracuse University (Maxwell School) in collaboration with USAID, Bangladesh.
Dr. Khan was a teaching faculty at Chittagong University, Bangladesh, as well as at State University of New York, USA. He worked full time as a social worker in a School District, New York State, for about five years. He worked with people with developmental disabilities and familiarized himself with the vocational education & training programs run by the BOCES (Boards of Cooperative Educational Services) and the DOCCS (Dept. of Corrections & Comm. Supervision), New York.
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